A BPMN parser library, written in C++

A BPMN parser library, written in C++.

This library provides a parser library for BPMN 2.0 allowing easy access to all elements and children (no getters or setters).


bpmn++ requires Xerces-C++ 3.2.x. On Ubuntu Linux Xerces can be installed by

sudo apt install libxerces-c-dev

Furthermore, schematic++ must be available for the build process. You can obtain schematic++ from https://github.com/rajgoel/schematicpp.

Build the library

The library is built like a typical CMake project. A normal build from within the project folder will look something like this (output omitted):

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

This creates a single header file lib/bpmn++.h and a library lib/libbpmn++.a.

Install the library

After building the library, it can be installed by

sudo make install

Run tests

Tests can be run by

make tests


An example using the library can be found in example folder.

After successful installation of the library, you can build the example by

g++ -std=c++20 main.cpp -lbpmn++ -lxerces-c -o bpmn++

You can run the example by

./bpmn++ diagram.bpmn